Spring Afterschool: S.T.E.A.M. in Motion LEGO®

Spring Afterschool: S.T.E.A.M. in Motion Using LEGO®

Who: Grades 3-5
When: Mondays 4/21, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19, 6/2
Time: 3:15-4:15pm
Location: BCS cafeteria (all purpose room)
Cost: $200

Children will work with standard LEGO® materials to problem-solve pre-engineering challenges involving structure, levers, gears, pulleys, and other elements of simple machines. Each class build will be introduced with a different story to start the lesson and post-project challenges.

Projects may include wall rocket racers, battle top spinners, and flywheel cruisers. Benefits include: hands-on building skills, problem solving strategies, and
understanding the building blocks of simple engineering


By registering online you are electronically signing the below statement:
I, the participant or parent/guardian of the above named participant in the Bolton Recreation program(s), give my approval for his/her participation in any and all activities within the program. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation. I so hereby waive, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Bolton Recreation Department employees, volunteers, or participants, from claims arising out of injury to myself or my child. I give permission for all program volunteers and employees to provide emergency first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment for myself or my child in the event that an emergency occurs. I agree to abide by the Recreation Department Policies with program registrations. I understand participants may be photographed and used in program publicity.

Program Type After School Programs
Program Subcategory -
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 2/4/2025
Enrollment End Date 4/14/2025
E.Y.E.S. Staff
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum 8
Maximum 16
Grade Minimum 3rd
Maximum 5th
Age Minimum -
Maximum -
Full Session
Residency Restriction Resident Only
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $200.00
Monday - 04/21/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR
Monday - 04/28/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR
Monday - 05/05/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR
Monday - 05/12/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR
Monday - 05/19/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR
Monday - 06/02/2025
Start Time 3:15 PM
End Time 4:15 PM
Location Bolton Center School APR