Bus Trip to Daffodil Festival on Nantucket Island

Join My Fun Bus Staff on a trip to venture out and fully embrace Spring Time! Your Coach bus will leave from the Tolland Commuter Lot at 6:00 a.m. and drive 2 hours and 15 minutes to Hyannis on Cape Cod, where you will board a Hy-Line Cruise, for a 1-hour high-speed ferry ride to picturesque Nantucket! Explore this charming island; enjoy the Daffodil festival, the antique car parade, and the local eateries on your own. Go to  https://daffodilfestival.com or  www.nantucket-ma.gov for more info.  Ticket fee includes coach bus transportation, high speed ferry  round trip, and a boxed lunch from My Fun Bus!  We plan to take the 5:30 ferry back to Hyannis and make quick stop for fast food on the way home and arrive back in Tolland by 9:30 p.m.   Avoid the summer tourist season, consider traveling with your mom and celebrating Mother's Day early, treat yourself to a delightful adventure!

Date:                           Sat., April 26
Reg. Deadline:          Fri., April 18
Departs From:           The bus will depart from the Tolland Commuter Lot at Exit 68 off of I-84.
Departure Time:       6 a.m.
Return Time:             Approx. 9:30 p.m.
Fee:                             $195 (includes coach bus, high speed ferry round trip, and boxed lunch) 


By Registering online you are electronically signing the below statement:

I, the participant or parent/guardian of the above named participant in the Bolton Recreation program(s), give my approval for his/her participation in any and all activities within the program. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation. I so hereby waive, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the Bolton Recreation Department employees, volunteers, or participants, from claims arising out of injury to myself or my child. I give permission for all program volunteers and employees to provide emergency first aid or obtain emergency medical treatment for myself or my child in the event that an emergency occurs. I agree to abide by the Recreation Department Policies with program registrations. I understand participants may be photographed and used in program publicity. I understand that payment is due by the final registration date in order to avoid a $10.00 late fee per registrant.

Program Type Family Programs
Program Subcategory -
Program Code -
Online Registration Yes
Enrollment Begin Date 2/4/2025
Enrollment End Date 4/18/2025
Gender Any Gender
Enrollment Minimum -
Maximum 7
Grade Minimum
Age Minimum -
Maximum -
Bus Trip Fee
Residency Restriction -None-
Membership Restrictions -
Amount $195.00
Saturday - 04/26/2025
Start Time 6:00 AM
End Time 9:30 PM
Location Tolland Commuter Lot